Unpacking is No Fun

My boxed up roomI finally was able to get into my classroom today! I know, why do I sound so excited? It is exciting, mostly because I just want to get everything unpacked and set up so I do not have to worry about it the last few weeks of summer. My son actually was willing to come in and help on a day off from work – I was deeply appreciative and sent him to the local ice cream parlor for sandwiches and an extravagant frozen concoction for himself. The picture speaks for itself. I cleaned the yuck off of everything, and Jake connected my computers and unpacked the numerous boxes. It is always a chore reorganizing everything at the beginning of the year, but it gives me a chance to review and consolidate materials. I will come in and work on that messy cupboard, and with Jake’s help we can hopefully be finished in one or two more sessions!

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