The Force Awakens

My son, Jake, called and asked me if I had purchased tickets to the new Star Wars movie yet. He would be home from college when it came out, and we needed to purchase the tickets now before they were sold out! Well, I was thrilled he was willing to see the movie with his parents (I later learned that most of his buddies were still in school that week- ah, well, still) I thought about the Star Wars’ journey over the many years, and I figured if this sci-fi stuff can persevere, so can I. My weight had not changed for about six months, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it was time to tackle that last ten pounds. Foolish, that inner voice said. It’s Thanksgiving, soon to be Christmas, a ridiculous time to diet. Yes. But I decided to give it a whirl anyway. It seemed to be the right time. Have you ever felt that way? I didn’t seem to be quite as hungry, craving those bad-for-you snacks. Why? Who knows? The planets aligned, the season was right, my prayers were answered. After all, what could I do when “The Force Awakens”? Well, the force most definitely was with me, because I lost six pounds before Christmas, with just a few adjustments to my eating habits. Mostly, not eating those aforementioned snacks. I am lucky that my family supports me and while no one actually diets with me, except maybe my husband (he’s stuck with me), most of my relatives encourage me with positive comments which help me to continue. I have four pounds to go until my original goal from way back about a year and a half ago, and I will then decide where to go from there. I still eat pretty much the same as when I started. Real food. Low calorie breakfast and lunch with a snack as needed. Supper consists of meat, vegetables, and fruit, around 400-600 calories. Maybe an evening snack. I still try to keep it to 1000-1200 calories a day. I allow myself a treat once in a while, especially after weigh-in days, Wednesday and Saturday. Um, homemade caramel popcorn is an incredible treat while watching a movie at home on a Saturday night! Taking it slow has allowed me the privilege to enjoy some of the foods I love, but eat healthy most of the time. I still do NOT have recurring migraines unless I eat foods with lots of sugar, carbohydrates, and fermentation. I have gone off my Nexium and no longer experience heartburn! An extra bonus I didn’t expect, and saving money, too! Hopefully, this journey continues successfully, as my goal is to finish off these last few pounds in the next month! Seventy pounds will have been lost! You heard it here!

That’s me on the right, with my two sisters.

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3 Responses

  1. Janie says:

    Julie, you look great. Everyone is very proud of you!

  2. Janie says:

    PS I enjoy your blog…keep on writing!

    • wizby411 says:

      Wow! I think you’re my first REAL comment! All the others I get are spam -wanting me to try something! Thanks, it made my day! 🙂