Tagged: Teaching

Super Heroes for a Super (Final) Year!

Super heroes are such fun for school! Students can start off the year imagining themselves accomplishing all sorts of amazing feats! I love the idea of having the ability to be your own super...


Throw Kindness Like Confetti

During the middle of the school year, students (and teachers!) sometimes get antsy and start to get on each others’ nerves. Students argue, get tired of others’ quirky behavior, and often just become a...


Distance Learning – Did it Work?

The school year is over, and it is time to evaluate the effectiveness of Distance Learning. Was it successful? Well, the answer is, yes and no. I can only speak for myself and my...


Kindness and Confetti

           Teaching and encouraging children to treat others with kindness is a struggle faced every day in the classroom. I see students with poor empathy skills who really don’t care...
