Summer is Over

my cupboardWhen the Fourth of July festivities have come and gone, I know it is time to think about SCHOOL!  I went in to school and cleaned out one closet earlier this summer, and it is time to attack my cupboard.  We do not have many storage opportunities in our classrooms, so these two tend to get overcrowded, though I do have many small file cabinets in my room used to store materials for each of the subjects taught.  Unfortunately, the floor of my room had not been mopped and waxed yet, so I just hung my Chinese lanterns and organized several files.  The photo of my storage cupboard speaks for itself and I will have to wait for a day when I can unpack the various items.  How does it get this way?  You know, the last day or two of school, when you have to pack everything up and there are no more boxes to be found?  No spaces in the closet? I’m sorry, I am not the most organized person at the end of the school year, and I tend to desperately shove those last few items in wherever I can find a space.  It is not a pretty sight, I know.  So this will be my first project, sorting and organizing this cupboard – after all, I am sure there are some items in there I have not seen nor used for several years.  IT IS TIME!

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