On Lessons Learned Living Life Fully

The NEW Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota is a fantastic National Monument which should be on everyone’s ‘must see’ bucket list. As my kiddos in fourth grade are studying the Midwest region of the United States,...


Can You Say Dodecahedron?

A great project my kiddos in fourth grade recently completed was book review dodecahedrons. The first time I did this project I had to practice saying dodecahedron many times – it’s not all that easy!...


Help! I’m Trapped…

in a Snow Globe! This was the recent topic for writing in my fourth grade classroom. Maybe we were just wishing for some snow, which we haven’t had much of this winter (snow days!)....


The Force Awakens

My son, Jake, called and asked me if I had purchased tickets to the new Star Wars movie yet. He would be home from college when it came out, and we needed to purchase...


A Mind is a Terrible Thing….

It has been almost a year and a half since I started my “Life Plan” diet, and while it has been mostly successful (I still have 10 pounds to go), my mind is sometimes...


One Down, Three to Go!

I have to admit, I have been really bad about posting anything for the last few weeks. I think it is the overwhelming sadness of having my youngest son go off to college. I...


Scheduling a Diet Plan

People often ask me what a typical day of eating is like for me. I already mentioned my incredibly awesome cinnamon toast (with a thin layer of butter) I have for breakfast. I also...


Difficult Days

I thought it would be easy to lose weight during the summer, especially with more activity. But I rather long for the school year to begin so that I can go back to eating...


Four Trash Cans Later

I went to school today to attack that cupboard. I felt like Lucy in the “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” Entering this myriad of projects, books, activities, and files full of ideas...
