New Year, New Beginning

It has been a while since I posted anything – I’ve been a little busy. My oldest son, David, got married! It was a whirlwind of activity – planning, list-making, phone calling, slide show producing time, but it was well worth it all.  The wedding and reception were lovely, the happy couple is enjoying their honeymoon, and life is slowly getting back to normal. It’s hard to imagine that one of my babies could be married!

The best thing about teaching is that every year is new and different. New students, new challenges, new personalities, and new fun! So even if I am teaching the same subjects, each year is always a little different and unique! This year our school theme is Our Wise Lord – O.W.L. So OWLs decorate our doors and hallways throughout the school. This year we have new Math and Science textbooks, so that makes this year even more challenging. We are also using Reflex Math, which is a game based program to help students learn their basic facts. So far, the students seem to enjoy the program and are progressing well. I encourage students to reach milestones by displaying their certificates and rewarding them with small prizes.

Here is a picture of  our Accelerated Reader Wall of Success. In keeping with our OWL theme, we add student’s owls to the tree when they meet their individual quarterly goals.


Reading is a Hoot!

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