Nativity Stained Glass

This is a great class art project for those weeks leading up to the holidays! The stained glass nativity scenes look beautiful when placed on a window (okay, much better than displayed here in the hallway). They really are easy to make – the hardest part is cutting out the nativity scene. You could make any scene you want – I have also used a more rosette shape, like a snowflake. To complete the project, you need wax paper, white glue, water, paint cups, black construction paper, scissors, paint brushes, and multicolored 1-2 inch squares of tissue paper. I avoid brown, black, grey, etc., because they don’t look very nice on the finished product. I have cut large sheets of tissue paper into squares – they do not have to be perfect. I am sure you could probably buy them precut if you want. Here are the steps.
First, tear sheets of waxed paper an inch or two larger than your design for each student. Squeeze about a quarter size amount of glue into paint cups and add approximately a quarter cup of water. Each student gets their own cup and a brush. Stir the glue and water thoroughly. I randomly pass out small piles of tissue paper to each table/desk. Students may choose whatever color scheme they want, and may come up later to pick out specific colors. They start by placing one piece of tissue paper on the larger waxed paper. Paint it with the glue mixture until it is soaked through. Then add another piece of tissue paper, overlapping the first. Continue adding tissue squares, overlapping, until the waxed paper is covered enough to complete the area behind the nativity or other desired foreground. It is important that all areas are fully wet and stuck to the waxed paper. It can be a little messy on the desks! Place the waxed paper sheets somewhere safe to dry. Students can then cut out the foreground design. We usually wait until the next day. Once the nativity is cut out, students place the cut out on the waxed paper to choose a great stained glass effect. They then glue the construction paper to the waxed paper and trim around the outside edges. Viola! All ready for a beautiful Christmas decoration!