I Love School! (Hard to Believe, I Know!)


room doorI came back to school this year with a clean cupboard, a fresh outlook, and a teaching partner! I love it! And maybe I love the fact that perhaps I won’t be grading papers, developing lessons, and planning activities for three or more hours every evening this year! I will be teaching Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Religion this year while the other fourth grade teacher will teach Science, Math, Spelling, and Religion.  This makes everything so much easier, from classroom management to duties to paperwork, just to have another person to discuss and share things with, not to mention I will no longer have to eat lunch alone! Our theme this year is CIA – Christians in Action, so many teachers decorated their door welcoming students to the classroom. The CIA badges  all have the students’ pictures on them as well. A spy theme will be fun to tie in to Christian behavior and good deeds this year. My students seem to be very enthusiastic and eager to start the school year, so we are having lots of fun while learning new skills. We also have a Reading themed bulletin board for our Accelerated Reader/Reading Renaissance program. It’s a bad photo, I know, the lighting is really poor in the hallway. Soon we will add magnifying glasses with the students’ names on them as they advance, reading books and progressing throughout the year.

AR board

Here is the Kindergarten teacher’s door decoration for the beginning of the year! So cute and creative!

Christians in Action

Here is the bulletin board our principal made for our cafeteria. We are trying to “catch” students being CHRISTIANS IN ACTION, (doing good deeds), and then they get their name on a star and placed on the board.


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