Help! I’m Trapped…

in a Snow Globe!

This was the recent topic for writing in my fourth grade classroom. Maybe we were just wishing for some snow, which we haven’t had much of this winter (snow days!). This is a fun and exciting project for the students in which I take their picture all bundled up against the cold, either looking cold and miserable, or trying to escape the snow globe. I first noticed the activity from the Primary Punch blog, so you can also check it out there. A big thanks to Deana!

We start out by discussing how one might get ‘sucked’ into a snow globe, and how our story needs a beginning. Then the students brainstorm ideas on creative adventures that could await them in the snow globe and whether they manage to get out or are trapped there forever (the middle and end). I then pass out the pictures for the students to cut out and decorate the space for their ‘snow globe’ area on a piece of blue construction paper. The pictures were printed on regular paper – wallet size fits perfectly in the clear bowls I purchased from Amazon here (I couldn’t find any locally).  Once the students were finished decorating, I added some Epsom salts to the circle with their picture and used a hot glue gun to affix the bowl to the construction paper. A medium sized hot glue gun works better than a small one – there’s fewer leaks and a wider gripping surface. Then we display them in the hall and wait for all the wonderful oohs and aahs. The kids really enjoyed the project and love checking out their pictures in the hall! But still no SNOW!

snow globe

Here is the writing paper I use – feel free to download it or make your own!

If I Were Trapped in a Snow Globe Writing -snow globe lines

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