Can You Say Dodecahedron?

dodecahedronA great project my kiddos in fourth grade recently completed was book review dodecahedrons. The first time I did this project I had to practice saying dodecahedron many times – it’s not all that easy! By the way, it’s a 12 sided figure. Yes, students filled out 12 sides of information about a book they had recently read. There’s pages to describe characters, a summary page, author page, rating page, and more. I actually found it here, created by Mr Hughes. Once the students have filled out all the information pages and drawn corresponding illustrations, they cut out the pentagon shapes. And then the REAL WORK begins! We glued them together one year and stapled the next – stapling is much easier! But be prepared, they take some patience to put together! In the end though, it is well worth it, and the kids are excited to see them hanging up in the classroom. They are a favorite to show their parents on parent lunch day!


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