Author: wizby411

Roasted Pineapple

My husband and I have been on a pineapple binge ever since we went on a cruise last April. I came upon a similar recipe and thought it sounded delicious. It was so easy...



Scotcheroos are such a family favorite! Two of my adult sons recently asked to have them when they came to visit, and I could not refuse. They are so yummy! I even get asked...


Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps

This is perhaps one of the most delicious recipes I have ever made! However, it is a rather lengthy process. My husband and I especially love the rice noodles and the peanut dipping sauce....


Ham and Bean Soup

This is a delicious recipe for soup that can easily be adapted by adding any vegetables or beans you have sitting around the house. We had A LOT of ham left over from Christmas,...


Super Heroes for a Super (Final) Year!

Super heroes are such fun for school! Students can start off the year imagining themselves accomplishing all sorts of amazing feats! I love the idea of having the ability to be your own super...


Banana Chocolate Chip Bread

What a great combination – bananas and chocolate! I found a similar recipe on, and adapted it to suit our needs. Namely, more chocolate chips! I also had a smaller loaf pan, so...


Cherry Chocolate Chip Bars

A friend gave us a bucket of fresh picked cherries, and after eating our fill, we needed to figure out a way to use the rest of them. This recipe combines the tartness of...
