A Mind is a Terrible Thing….

It has been almost a year and a half since I started my “Life Plan” diet, and while it has been mostly successful (I still have 10 pounds to go), my mind is sometimes my worst enemy. These last few months have been a struggle to lose those last 10 pounds – of which I have obviously not won THAT battle – but I am pleased that I have maintained my weight fairly easily. The hardest part is acknowledging that while I know I have lost 60 pounds, when I look in the mirror, my mind says, “Really? Are you sure? What about all the lumpy stuff around your waist/hips/thighs?” I think to myself, “Do I really look smaller?” While part of my brain knows I do – I’ve gone from a size 18 to a size 8 – the other part of my brain thinks, “I can’t tell much of a difference.” It is so difficult to reconcile the two parts of my brain that I often don’t even try. Naked = fat. Clothed = not too bad. These are the thoughts that lead all those youngsters to bulimia and anorexia. While I am no where near to giving up my food or throwing it up, it is an interesting perspective I did not expect. Perhaps it is my lifelong struggle and losing battle with my weight that clouds my judgment, and it will take a while to reset my vision. I am trying to focus on the positive – like buying new clothes and feeling more energetic – while continuing with my healthy eating.  Ah, well, since it is a “Life Plan”, I will work on  receiving positive feedback from my brain, continue chugging along, and hopefully my mind will be a “wonderful” thing!

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